Daily life takes a toll on keeping teeth white, and summertime is no exception. Iced coffee, soda, wine, and berries are all summery treats that can cause teeth staining over time. On top of that, vacations and different schedules can sometimes mean forgetting to brush your teeth regularly.
To make sure that you have healthy teeth and maintain a bright, healthy smile all summer long, Dakota Dental has a few tips and recommendations to make sure you have a perfect smile!
Of course, brushing teeth regularly— and flossing, too—will help scrub away some surface staining. Brushing your teeth removes plaque buildup, which not only makes teeth look dull, but it also provides a landing place for staining foods and drinks to adhere to. Brushing teeth and drinking plenty of water to rinse away buildup are effective ways to prevent staining over time.
Even with regular brushing, stains can accumulate and cause yellow teeth, however. There are at-home teeth whitening options available to whiten teeth, but some may cause irritation or may not be strong enough to remove stains.
There are several professional teeth whitening options that can brighten your smile. A dentist can evaluate your teeth and provide a more customized approach to a whiter smile.
- One whitening option is teeth bleaching, where an active ingredient like hydrogen peroxide breaks down the staining pigmentation.
- Another common whitening option is laser tooth whitening, where a gel is applied directly onto the teeth and a light is used to activate the peroxide gel.
If staining foods like coffee, berries, tea, or wine have taken a toll on your teeth this summer, talk with the dentists at Dakota Dental to schedule a teeth whitening appointment today!