Dreams can include some of the most outlandish adventures. But one that’s uniquely common among humans? The “Teeth Falling Out Dream.” Since the days of the Ancient Greeks, this has been one of the most prevalent recurring dreams across many cultures.
But where does this seemingly universal idea stem from? Our Dakota Dental experts weigh in on the matter.
“In one study, 39.0% of respondents reported that they had experienced teeth dreams (TD) at least once, 16.2% reported that their TD were recurrent, and 8.2% reported that their TD were regular (Yu, 2012).” – Frontiers in Psychology.
What Does Teeth Falling Out in a Dream Mean?
You’re walking along, minding your business when suddenly, your teeth start to fall out. Why is your brain thinking about teeth falling out?! What could this possibly represent?
While it’s difficult to know precisely what dreams symbolize, there are a few hypotheses to consider:
- When your teeth fall out in a dream, it might symbolize psychological stress. Maybe it’s an impending work deadline, a big event, or a significant life change such as a marriage or a baby. Or perhaps financial worries are filling up your mind during the day. These stressors can wind up as nighttime visitors in the form of losing teeth in your dreams.
- Another psychological theory is that teeth falling out represents a loss in your life. It could be a break-up, a job change, or losing a loved one. Because we only have one set of adult teeth, losing them – even in a dreamscape – is a big deal!
- Conversely, some studies suggest that losing teeth in dreams could be a physiological response to tension in the teeth (National Center for Biotechnology Information). Teeth grinding or sleep bruxism could be seeping into your subconscious and manifesting as a dream.
Of course, the stress from mentally experiencing your teeth fall out could translate into physical tooth tension. Without more scientific studies, the exact cause and effect are difficult to know for sure.
The Importance of a Nightly Dental Hygiene Routine
Regardless of its meaning in your life, the morning after another “Teeth Falling Out Dream” can be an excellent time to assess your life and dental routine).
One of the best things you can do for your overall well-being is to routinely take care of your teeth before you get cozy under the covers.
Not only is brushing and flossing your teeth at night good for your mouth health, but it’s also beneficial for your mental health. A consistent evening routine signals to your brain that it’s time to unwind, which can often help you get to sleep faster. (It also doesn’t hurt to put that phone away and turn off the TV).
Get Back in the Habit
If you’re losing teeth in dreams frequently, try reevaluating your evenings. If you’ve lost the habit of a nighttime brushing routine, pick it back up again. Find ways to make this time enjoyable! Opt for a fun toothbrush, rope in a toothbrushing buddy, or put on a relaxing playlist.
You only get one set of teeth. Let’s take care of them. Haven’t been to the dentist in a while? It’s okay! Schedule an appointment with our Dakota Dental, and we’ll get you back on track.