Dakota Dental Gives Recommendations to Parents for National Children’s Dental Health Month
Apple Valley dental clinic Dakota Dental celebrates National Children’s Dental Health Month in February.
Apple Valley dental clinic Dakota Dental celebrates National Children’s Dental Health Month in February.
Soda. Pop. Cola. Coke. By any name, soft drinks are still sweet. These carbonated drinks may tickle your taste buds, but they also excite the bacteria living in your mouth. The sugar, phosphoric acid, and other acidic byproducts found in sodas feed bacteria while softening tooth enamel. This combination allows the bacteria to produce excessive…
Apple Valley dental clinic Dakota Dental offers patients of all ages a comfortable environment for dental care and dental work.
Apple Valley dental clinic Dakota Dental believes so strongly in good dental care habits that it offers a free initial exam to children ages three years and younger.
Plan to bring your candy to Dakota Dental for our Halloween candy buy back. We’re offering cool gifts in exchange for your sweet treats and a grand prize for the one with the heaviest amount. Call Dakota Dental for full details!
As your Apple Valley dentists, the team at Dakota Dental family dental encourages you as parents to model good food choices and healthful dental care habits, including brushing and flossing and routine checkups and cleanings. Unfortunately, despite best efforts, however, children may develop situations where dental services are needed. Dakota Dental children’s dentists provide the dental care required—even if it is an emergency appointment outside of regular dental clinic hours.