You Can Feel Confident Again with Invisalign from Dakota Dental
The Dakota Dental cosmetic dentists use invisible aligners instead of metal wires and brackets to gradually move crooked teeth and achieve perfect smiles.
The Dakota Dental cosmetic dentists use invisible aligners instead of metal wires and brackets to gradually move crooked teeth and achieve perfect smiles.
To help Minnesotans find their dream smiles, Dakota Dental is offering an Invisalign dental services special during the month of May: $500 off plus free retention for the first year and free professional teeth whitening.
Apple Valley Invisalign center help patients achieve their dream smiles.
With summer just around the corner, Minnesotans are preparing for days on lakes and weekend escapes to cabins. In addition to getting boats and bodies ready for warmer weather, some are thinking about improving their smiles. Their timing couldn’t be better. During the month of May, Dakota Dental in Apple Valley is offering $500 off…
“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight!” ~ Phyllis Diller And speaking of “setting everything straight” … A national survey from the American Dental Association, Crest and Oral B revealed that a nice smile outranked eyes, hair and other attributes as a person’s most attractive physical feature! That along with the ADA’s recommendation…