Did you know spit is like liquid gold in your mouth? Saliva is an important component to keeping oral health problems at bay. Composed mostly of water, saliva helps with digestion, mouth lubrication, and germ management. When produced in the right amounts, it protects teeth and keeps you comfortable.
However, too much or too little saliva can cause problems. Overactive salivary glands can make swallowing difficult because of too much saliva in the mouth. Too much saliva can even lead to drooling.
On the other hand, too little saliva brings the discomfort of dry mouth, the embarrassment of bad breath, and the pain of swollen gums and tongue. The lack of saliva can also lead to gum infection, cavities, and tooth fillings.
“Having a dry mouth makes one more susceptible to cavities and gum disease; we see the effects of this on a daily basis and it is a huge concern for the industry,” explains Dakota Dental’s Dr. Shelley Wakefield. “There are two products which can help protect one’s teeth. One is a lubricant/artificial saliva which comes in the form of a mouth rinse, gel, or toothpaste; the other is a paste which coats the teeth and protects them in the absence (or lack) of saliva.”
Dakota Dental’s family dentists are fans of just the right amount of saliva and are ready to help those who make too much or too little. With a broad base of experience diagnosing and treating dental health issues, the dental care team at Dakota Dental has the knowledge and skill to help people of all ages and conditions obtain and maintain good oral health.
Learn more about how Dakota Dental can help with any dental work for adults, dental care for kids, and dental emergency services by calling the office at 952-431-5774 or scheduling an appointment with one of the dentists in Apple Valley. Appointments can also be made online at www.DakotaDental.com.