Picnics, ice cream, and lemonade are all summertime staples. However, it’s important not to let good oral health practices fall to the wayside during these warmer months. Finding the right balance between summer treats and taking care of your teeth will help ensure that this summer is filled with fun memories – not cavities.
Summer fruits and vegetables are great healthy teeth choices for several reasons. Berries like strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are packed with vitamin C, and their natural sweetness can help curb cravings for more sugary sweets. Veggies like spinach, kale, and peppers have beneficial vitamins and minerals as well, such as magnesium, vitamin C, and calcium. Of course, calcium is an excellent nutrient for healthy teeth, and crunchy vegetables can help naturally scrub away plaque as you eat them.
Sugary drinks such as sodas, lemonade, and sports drinks are more common refreshments during the summer and it’s good to keep moderation in mind. Sugary drinks provide bacteria with plenty of fuel to create plaque, which can lead to cavities. So when possible, stick to water to re-hydrate. And if you can’t resist a lemonade or soda on a hot day, be sure to remember that moderation is key. When possible, rinse your mouth with water after having a sweet drink so that the sugars don’t sit on your teeth for a long period of time.
Flossing is also an important way to avoid oral health problems. Whether it’s popcorn at the fair or some corn on the cob, food lodged between your teeth can not only cause discomfort, but if left to sit on your teeth, could cause cavities on teeth as well. Stash some floss in your car or purse, or at the very least, make sure to floss at night to ensure your teeth stay healthy.
Dakota Dental, an Apple Valley dental clinic, provides dental services for the whole family. Dakota Dental cares about their patients and wants to educate them about tips to have perfect teeth all summer long. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Dakota Dental today.
Dakota Dental
14682 Pennock Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124