From school supplies to new clothes, there’s many things to get ready as students head back to school. But have you thought about what they’re eating? If your student is heading back to school with braces, you’ll want to make sure his/her school lunches are easy to eat! To ensure kids have healthy teeth, the family dentists at Dakota Dental have some healthy and braces-friendly lunch ideas to get the school year started on the right track.
When someone gets braces, it’s typical for them to get a list of foods that they should avoid— things like corn on the cob, apples, or gum. Other foods to avoid or carefully limit are foods that get stuck in-between teeth—like popcorn, fruit snacks or caramel, and crunchy foods like croutons, hard candy, or ice.
So, what are some foods that you can eat with dental braces? Your best bet will be soft, steamed, or cooked foods. Yogurt, soft cheeses, eggs, steamed veggies, and sliced fruits are all options that are healthy and easy to pack for lunches. Below are some great braces-friendly lunch options that you can mix and match for your weekly lunch menu!
Main Course Side Dish Dessert/Snack
Meat and cheese sandwich Cooked carrots Muffin
Tuna salad Blueberries Brownie
Hard boiled eggs Yogurt Pudding
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich Sliced bell peppers Soft cookie
Pita pocket with hummus Cheese stick Pastry
Soup Thinly sliced cucumber
Chili Mashed potatoes
Casserole Green beans or peas
Ravioli Banana
The Apple Valley orthodontists at Dakota Dental can help parents and kids alike with finding ways to take care of their teeth. Dakota Dental has a wide range of orthodontic services available for patients of all ages, and their team is committed to working with you and your family to achieve healthy teeth and a perfect smile!
Contact Dakota Dental today for more information or to schedule your next appointment.