While general toothaches hurt, an infected tooth takes tooth pain to a whole new level. Let’s take a closer look at what causes an abscessed tooth and how you can prevent this from happening or treat it if you’re dealing with symptoms.
What is an Abscessed Tooth?
An abscessed tooth occurs when there is an infection between the gum and the tooth at the root. It is extremely painful, especially if left untreated. If no action is taken, the infection can spread into the bones that support the teeth.
Here are some tips for Dakota Dental’s Apple Valley family dentists on avoiding, recognizing, and seeking treatment for an abscessed tooth.
What Causes This Type of Infected Tooth?
Great question. Extreme tooth decay, a broken or chipped tooth, or gum disease can contribute to a tooth infection. Additional risk factors include poor dental hygiene, dry mouth, or a diet high in sugar (Mayo Clinic).
Abscessed Tooth Symptoms
In many cases, an abscessed tooth can lead to one or more of the following symptoms:
- Continuous toothaches with a hooting, sharp pain
- Fever
- Pain when chewing
- Tooth sensitivity to cold and heat
- Bad taste and foul smell in the mouth
Feel a little too familiar? Schedule an emergency dental appointment so we can take care of this issue as quickly as possible.
Abscessed Tooth Treatment
Here are a few treatment methods dentists typically employ to help you (and your mouth!) get back to feeling better:
- Draining
- Antibiotics and pain medicine
- Root canal procedures
- Tooth extraction
The good news? The prognosis for an abscessed tooth is good, as long as a professional treats it promptly. In extreme cases, an untreated infection could lead to sepsis.
Prioritize Prevention
Your best option is to prevent an infected tooth from happening in the first place! How do I do that, you ask?
By taking great care of your teeth and oral health, of course! That means brushing, flossing, and rinsing every single day. Look at those bristles if you haven’t replaced your toothbrush in a while. You want to replace your toothbrushes every 3-4 months or once the bristles are frayed.
And be sure to visit your family dentist the moment you think something could be wrong. The quicker we can address an issue, the better!
Emergency Dental near Minneapolis
If you need abscessed tooth relief, please reach out right away. Our emergency dental services are here to help you feel better and mitigate long-term consequences.
Patient-Central Dental Services
There is much more to maintaining healthy teeth than just brushing daily. We can help with any and all dental services, from teeth whitening to root canals.
Make an appointment if you haven’t had your teeth examined by a professional in more than six months. Better to have your teeth looked at now than find yourself facing an expensive treatment plan down the road. Have more questions about your oral health? The Apple Valley Dentists at Dakota Dental are available to answer all your questions regarding your teeth. Ask a question!